Eric J. Miller
2012 Winner of the Margolese Prize

Photo: Roberta Baker
Eric J. Miller, Ph.D
Throughout his career, Eric Miller has researched the cutting edge of the interactions between humans, urban land use, transportation, and the environment. He is a world-leader in the development and application of agent-based microsimulation methods to model urban socio-economic activities, including daily activity and travel (as exemplified by the Travel/Activity Scheduler of Household Agents [TASHA] model which is in operational planning use within the Toronto region), land use markets (Integrated Land Use, Transportation and Environment [ILUTE] model system), and models of demographic evolution. These models support the assessment of transportation-based pollution, the benefits and costs of transportation investment options, and transportation impacts on social equity, among other critical urban planning issues. The overall objective is to contribute to the increased sustainability of living environments, both in Canada and internationally.
Both broadly and specifically, Dr. Eric Miller has been an extraordinary force for the development and improvement of urban living environments in Canada, and he continues to vigorously expand that influence. His focus on sustainability and his leadership of the Cities Centre at the University of Toronto have been crucial to the planning of urban infrastructure, as well as to the building of informed consensus in transportation policy.

As the inaugural Director of the University of Toronto Cities Centre (2008-2012), and currently as Director of the UofT Transportation Research Institute, Miller fosters research into important urban livability issues, builds partnerships between academics, government, and involved community, and contributes to improved urban policy. As a civil engineering professor, his lifelong dedication to educating the next generation of responsible transportation engineers and planners helps to ensure a bright future for Canadians hoping to live in cleaner and more sustainable urban environments. He is also Research Director of the UofT’s Data Management Group and Travel Modelling Group. The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research recognized Miller with its 2018 IATBR Lifetime Achievement Award.
It’s up to a point, inevitable. A successful city is going to be a congested city…We can’t build enough roads. We have to be finding alternate ways.
Eric Miller, Financial Post